This November 30th we are hosting our fifth annual IDPWD (International Day of Persons With Disability) here at the Ubuntu grounds. It seems like just yesterday and we had our first annual run, unsure whether people will show up, unsure whether the impact we wanted will be felt but here we are five years down the road more ready than ever to host this event. This event is very important to us because of how it allows us to feel very connected to our community here in Maai Mahiu. When we first started no one knew what we were doing and our neighbors just saw people running and parading down the street. By the second Annual run however even crowds had gathered the morning of just to see the start of the run. As December nears we now hear the town buzz about when the annual 5K will happen. The whole community comes to a standstill and they join us as we get to raise awareness for children with disabilities. This year in a bid to be more inclusive we have decided to offer more events for people who love the run we have decided to add a 10 K, as well as an assisted walking 5K for those who may need it. We are beyond excited and we are telling you here in August because we want to see as many of you there as possible. It is always such a treat when we get to see our donors to come and participate with us. We hope to see you there get your running shoes ready, we will meet at the finish line.