June 2024 |

Angel Takes Her First Step

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The walking milestone by Angel Ngendo from the Therapy Program was truly remarkable. Angel after a year and ten months finally took her first steps!!!!!!!! Angel is currently 1 year 10 months with delayed developmental milestones due to Rickets. She enrolled in the Ubuntu Occupational Therapy Program with delayed milestones in August 2023. Her father was referred to Ubuntu by a health worker from Naivasha Hospital back in August 2023 when Angel was only 1 year and 1 month old. Upon arrival, Angel was assessed by the Doctor, Nutritionist, and Occupational Therapist where she was found to have Delayed Milestones, Rickets as well as Low Body Weight. By the age of 1, a child should be well able to sit alone without support which we found Angel unable to do. Due to the severe low calcium, Angel had to be treated first for 2 weeks before commencing with therapy. She then started receiving therapy sessions once a week until May 2024 when she achieved her final physical developmental milestone, taking her first steps!! We would like to give a special shout-out to Angel's parents as they have been fully committed to bringing their child for therapy sessions and that is a big part of the process. They are proud of their daughter's achievement just as we all are. They thank the Ubuntu organization at large for a great job of instilling hope and changing family perception towards their child. We hope this is not the last family who we can instill hope and change forever. 



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