August 2024 |

Brandon, Our Kid Of The Month.

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The month has brought so many many smiles but none more so than seeing the amazing progress that our child of the month Brandon Nyakeri has made! Brandon Nyakeri came to Ubuntu May 2023 and was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder with delayed milestones. He was dependent on feeding, he couldn’t imitate actions done in front of him and even at seven years old, he wasn’t able to socialize. Mobility was also an issue as he could not stand up independently. Though Brandon was born term, he quickly developed issues with feeding and sleeping as well which contributed greatly to his failure to thrive up until when he was four years old. He started therapy at six months because even at six months he had not achieved neck control.
When Brandon came to us it was determined he would enroll in the school, be part of the therapy program and get nutritional assistance. He has been enrolled in our classes ever since. We are so happy to report that there has been significant progress in his delayed milestones ever since. Whereas before he couldn’t socialize and didn't seem interested in much we find that he loves to socialize and even interact with his peers. Before where he wouldn't imitate actions like raising his hands up he now responds and even stretches up his arms to be picked up, he also loves a warm hug. Whereas before he couldn’t stand independently he now stands for at least 30 seconds completely on his own. This is tremendous progress for somebody who came to our school just May 2023.
Join us in celebrating Brandon in all of the milestones that he’s made and we know by this time next year we will be able to tell you more achievements that Brandon has done. We are so proud of him. We are so thankful to our teachers and our therapist and nutritionist for all the work that they’ve done with Brandon. We will bring you along the journey with us so you can celebrate all of his milestones the way we celebrate with him here. His mother has expressed that Ubuntu is a very good place that is helping parents with children with special needs, and she is very happy to gain additional skills in beadwork from our sister organization Ubuntu Life Enterprise. We in turn would like to thank her for her dedication and consistency and without those Brandon would not be where he is today, so Thank You Mama Brandon!



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