June 2024 |

Meet Geoffrey, Our Star Of The Month

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Geoffrey Ikere is our special child of the month and we are excited to shine a light on him. What makes this story even better is just how much it shows the relationship we have here with our community. For those of you who don’t know how Ubuntu was founded, (Jeremiah and Zane) our founders would meet at a local hotel called Guthera.
Over a cup of chai, they exchanged thoughts of how they would bring Ubuntu Life Foundation into being. Twenty-five years later Guthera's Grandson became a student at the very organization his restaurant gave rise to. Geoffrey Ikere who has been a part of our program for about a year now came to Ubuntu as a timid character and full of defiant behavior. He often avoided tasks and had difficulty listening. This stemmed from extremely low self-esteem from all the challenges and stigma he had faced. However, now we see how Geoffrey has grown into a confident and intrinsically motivated learner. He aspires to be a Chef through the vocational program and we know he can accomplish all his dreams. He one day wishes to establish a hotel even bigger than his great grandfathers.
We know many important conversations just like the one that founded Ubuntu will be had over an amazing meal all prepared by Geoffrey. We believe you will go on to do great things and we will be here to celebrate you every step of the way, congrats Geoffrey!  This is such an amazing story of the interconnectedness of humanity. 25 years later the dream birthed at Guthera would now be serving Guthera’s great-grandson. Geoffrey Ikere is going to receive a second chance at life after going from school to school for an undiscovered learning difficulty that was often termed as unwillingness to learn. As the African proverb goes, if you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together.



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