On 25th of July we were able to gift 14 kids brand new wheelchairs. This is the culmination of work of one of our amazing Tribe Members Beth Hadi. Beth put together a fundraiser and through this fundraiser was able to purchase all 14 wheelchairs. Ten wheelchairs were distributed to School Kids at Ubuntu as well as 3 to the community and one more to a child in the therapy program.
We were so excited we couldn’t wait to share the news with you! Both the parents and the kids were beyond overwhelmed at the donation. Due to the lack of proper infrastructure for persons with disabilities within our community we find getting from point A to point B is quite the challenge. So many kids and in turn their parents are very limited in what they can do in their everyday lives. This goes against everything we stand for here at Ubuntu when we talk about life with dignity. These 14 wheelchairs have opened up a world for these kids that has never been available to them before. Things like socializing with peers, attending church, participating in activities are now open for these kids and we couldn't be happier for them.
In addition to this each wheelchair is specially fit to each child so that means even those with poor trunk or neck support will not go through the complications of having a poorly adjusted wheelchair. So, as you can imagine we are extremely thankful for the hard work from Bethany Kids and Beth Hadi to make this possible. We pray for success in all your endeavors! We hope to see them all participating in our annual 5K this year with their new wheelchair. At the end of the year we look forward to hearing all the stories from parents and kids of the impact this had on their 2024! Beth again we cannot thank you enough for all the hard work you do behind the scenes. You are a blessing to this organization and to these Kids! We pray for you and your family to be blessed as you have blessed all these families!